Mark Coppenger (B.A., Ouachita; M.A., Ph.D, Vanderbilt; Southwestern, M.Div.) has been a pastor, professor, denominational worker, public ethicist, army officer, short-term missionary, and family man.
Photo Gallery

Army Public Affairs Office

SBC Seminary Leadership

Pastorate, El Dorado, Arkansas

Nile Valley

Church Planting, Evanston, Illinois


SBTS Aesthetics Course

Sharon, My Better Half

Wheaton Philosophy Department

Miller Park, Milwaukee

With Sons, Promoting Hoosier Revivals

The Family
Keep in Touch
You can contact me through the means provided below.
You can always send me an email at mtc.48@aol.com
Feel free to give me a call or shoot me a text at (847) 924-3229.